Dr. Ama Nyame-Mensah is a data scientist and designer. Through her practice, Analytics Made Accessible LLC, she provides practical data science training and consulting on data visualization.
Dr. Tasha Parker, a clinical social worker and community psychologist, shares her journey into data and founding the Institute of Development.
Dan Wagner, CEO and founder of Civis Analytics, discusses the importance of understanding the data journey for nonprofits. He emphasizes the risks of rushing into artificial intelligence without having the fundamentals in place.
In this two-part episode, you will get a better idea of how we use data as […]
It's not about resources, it's about being resourceful
Success with data isn’t about having all the resources, it’s about being resourceful (thank you, Tony […]
Designing an impactful data product isn’t just about the data – in fact, it’s mostly NOT […]
Today’s episode explores a complex kind of data – crime data. We speak with veteran crime […]
There are many methods for data analysis, but we often focus on technical methods. Veena Pankaj […]
If you do any kind of surveys, this episode is a must-listen for you. Learn how […]