Imagine your organization is a house. The tech stack is the pipes in the house, and the […]
learn from the mistakes of others, you can't make them all yourself!
To celebrate my 50th episode of this podcast, I’m sharing four major mistakes I make in […]
It's not about resources, it's about being resourceful
Success with data isn’t about having all the resources, it’s about being resourceful (thank you, Tony […]
It’s not just a bad idea to try to make decisions from pure logic – it’s […]
What does it mean to build an effective learning culture? Why is it important to expect […]
Determining the right technology for your organization can be challenging. There are many options for any […]
We use data in our everyday lives – even when we go on vacation. Listen to […]
Ryan Rucker accidentally found her way into data – like so many of the guests on […]
There’s a difference between data maturity and analytics maturity; data maturity focuses on the foundation and […]
Are you at the start of your journey with data? Or maybe you’re in the middle […]