Capturing healthcare, from doctor’s visits to prescription fills and everything in between, is a daunting task. Turning all those events and details in usable data is even harder. Today we explore one such endeavor with the Center for Improving Value in Health Care – CIVHC for short. They have the responsibility of running the All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) here in Colorado.

Never heard of an APCD before? Well, that’s why we’re talking to Julia Tremaroli today. She works for CIVHC as a health care data analyst, and is a wealth of knowledge on all things APCD. Listen in to hear how you might be able to use a state APCD to help your organization, even if you aren’t an analyst yourself. 

If you haven’t yet listened to Ep. 17 about health claims, I recommend checking that one out next to learn more about how claims data are created and how you can – and can’t – use them in research and analytics. Then head over to CIVHC to check out their publicly available dashboards already analyzed just for you!

Julia Tremaroli has worked as a health care data analyst for the Colorado All Payer Claims Database (COAPCD) at the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC) for the last four years. Day-to-day, she engages data submitters to ensure their submissions to the CO APCD are timely, accurate, and high-quality. She also works as an analyst on several projects that utilize data from the CO ACPD, including many analyses that support state agencies and governing bodies to achieve the Triple Aim of lower costs, higher-quality care, and healthier people. Julia has a degree from the University of Denver in Business Information and Analytics. She enjoys jigsaw puzzles, snuggling with her cat, and eating sushi.

One thing you can do right now:
One thing you can do right now:

Explore the publicly available data at CIVHC on community health trends. Or find the APCD in your state!


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